How To Make a Complaint

1 Complaints

While we will always endeavour to provide you with the high level of customer service, if you feel dissatisfied with the service you have received you should, in the first instance, contact the office you usually deal with to register your complaint. We need you to help us by summarising the problem, policies affected and the resolution you expect. Please ensure wherever possible that you quote your customer reference number together with the identity of our member of staff and office address. We will endeavour to rectify the problem immediately, but if we are unable to do so, your complaint will be dealt with in accordance with our formal Complaints Procedure, a copy of which will be provided to you.

If you remain dissatisfied, you may be eligible for a complaint within the rules of the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). Their jurisdiction broadly covers those that employ less that 10 persons and whose turnover or annual balance sheet is less than 2 million pounds, and charities or trusts whose turnover or net assets, respectively, are less than £1 m. Should you remain dissatisfied with our final decision or more than 8 weeks have passed since receipt of your complaint then if you wish, you may contact the FOS, details of which can be found at Full details will be supplied in our Complaints Procedure.

Or, alternatively, you may refer the matter to -

123 Minories



Tel: 01883 770970

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